Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another Bradford Pear Limb Falls

There has been a lot of problems this year with Bradford Pears.  First they didn't do well after the freeze and have been showing it all summer.  Second they have had problems with Cotton Root Rot fungus and many are dying.  CRR has been a problem and will continue to be a problem since it is in the soil but for some reason it has been more of a problem this year than normal.  Whether it is a cotton field or a Bradford pear we have seen more CRR and unfortunately there is nothing you can do.

This Bradford pear is along the Inner Loop in Georgetown.  You can tell that it was growing at a very close crotch angle and so has included bark.  Included bark is where the two branches are formed and as they get bigger and start to grow together the bark keeps them from forming a solid unit.  The two branches will continue to grow but they are pushing against each other and weakening the whole tree.  In this case the only attachment for the branch was deep down and very small for a branch this size.  This is because it couldnt get bigger because of all the other branches.

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